
Outdoor Activity

Ages 5 and up

Materials needed:

  • Balloons
  • Paper

Slip a small piece of paper into a balloon and blow it up and tie it. Each slip will have a different phrase on it. For example: “Quack like a duck” “Bark like a dog! “Moo like a cow” “Oink like a pig” and so on. Have two of each animal. Have as many balloons ready as there will be guests and some extra for unexpected guests. As each child comes in, hand them a balloon, or lett them pick their own. They are then asked to break the balloon in any manner they choose (safely. Sit on it, step on it, whatever. Then each child is to bark or moo or whatever their slip says. If some children are too little to read have an adult whisper in their ear what their animal is. In the confusion, each child must find his or her partner of the same animal. This is a good way to have partners chosen for another game!

When we played this game we originally tried it to have each child individually one by one to recite their animal. However, there were some children who were too shy to “bark like a dog” in front of everyone, so it could be best to just have all the children do it at once.

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